Interactive Notebook Pages

This page is so you can keep up with your student's interactive math notebook.  We organize our notebooks everyday during the first 5-10 minutes of class.  There will be at least 2 spiral checks a six weeks.  Please check this regularly to help your child stay on track in math. Please note that if it says "Cornell Notes" these are notes that should be taken by your student outside of class and will be graded.  Each spiral should have 140 pages worth of information.  (This list starts with the 3rd six weeks)
 108Multiplying and Dividing Integers Activity
 109Cornell Notes: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
 110HW 3-1 and HW 3-2
 111Quiz 3-1
HW 3-1
 113Cornell Notes: Multiplying and Dividing Integers with number Lines 
Finding Discount 
 114 Multiplying and Dividing Integers with Counters
 Notes: 10% Rule
 115Shortcuts: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
 Cornell Notes: 10% Rule
 116HW 3-3
 HW 3-2
 117Brain Pop Video Notes
Percent Proportion Notes
 118HW 3-4

 HW 3-3

 119 Ratios and Rates Notes
 Percent of Change Notes
 120 Cornell Notes: Ratios and Rates
HW 3-4
 121 Class Practice: Ratios, Rates, Unit Rates
 Class Practice: Indirect Measurement
 122HW 3-5
HW 3-5
 123 Pears, Apples, Oranges Warm Up
 124 Warm Up
 Notes: Similar Figures
 125 Notes: Proportions
 Class Practice: Similar Figures
 126 HW 3-6
HW 3-6
 127Class Practice: Proportions
 Warm Up
 128 Warm Up  Notes: Dilations
 129 Notes: Proportions & Percent Proportions (key words)
 Notes: Dilations
 130 Notes: Proportions & Percent Proportions
 131 Notes:Proportions & Percent Proportions
 Class Practice: Enlargement or Reduction
 132 HW 3-7
 HW 3-7
 133 Class Practice: Percent Proportions
 Warm Up: HW 3-6
 134 Cornell Notes: Proportions, Percent Proportions HW 3-8: Number Sense
 135 Warm Up: HW 3-7 Warm Up: HW 3-8
 136 HW 3-8 What do you know about coordinate graphing?
 137 Warm Up: HW 3-8 3rd six weeks calendar continued
 138 Frayer Model: Square Roots Translations Notes: Part 1
 139 Identifying Perfect Squares HW 3-9: Translations Notes: Part 2
 140 HW 3-9 Reflections Notes: Part 1
 141 3rd 6 Weeks Calendar Reflections Notes: Part 2
 142 Class Practice: Squares and Square Roots

 Class Practice: HW 3-9 Reflections and Translations

 143 Notes: Order of Operations Reflections and Translations Worksheet
 144 Class Practice: Order of Operations Scale Factors Worksheet
 145 Warm Up: (from HW 3-10) Backwards Transformations
 146 Order of Operations HW HW 3-10
 147 Class Practice Warm Up (from HW 3-10)
 148 Why Should You Look Out for a Pig That Knows Karate? Daffynition Decoder
 149 Warm Up: from HW 3-10 Venn Diagrams
 150 Daffynition Decoder 4th 6 Weeks Calendar
 151 Warm Up (HW 3-11) Countdown to TAKS Wk 23
152 4th 6 Weeks Calendar Frayer Model: Variables
 153 Countdown to TAKS Wk 23 Words for Operations
 154 Can You Describe It? Notes: Expressions and Equations
 155 Notes: Arithmetic Sequences Classwork: Variables and Expressions
 156 HW 4-1: Arithmetic Sequences HW 4-1: Double Cross
 157 Different Representations Notes: One Step Equations
 158 Area Pattern Notes Cont.
 159 Graphing Relationships Section 1-1
 160 HW 4-2 HW 4-2
 161 Frayer Model Notes: 2 Step Equations
 162 Key Words Notes Cont.
 163 Notes Class Practice
 164 HW 4-3 HW 4-3
 165 Class Practice Solving Equations with Pictures
 166 Notes: Substituting Variable Equations HW 4-4: Solving Equations with Various Models
 167 Notes Equations in Problem Situation Activity
 168 HW 4-4: Double Cross Countdown to TAKS week 20
 169 Class Practice Formulating Equations
 170 Countdown to TAKS Wk 20 HW 4-5: TAKS practice 7.5B
 171 Solving Equations Using Models Area Practice
 172 Draw the Models Chart HW 4-6: Graph the Data/TAKS practice
 173 Draw the Models Chart Which relationship matches the data
 174 HW 4-5: TAKS Practice 7.5A HW 4-7
 175 Notes: Equations Notes
 176 HW 4-6: TAKS Practice 7.5B 
 177 Formulating Equations Name the Solid
 178 HW 4-8 HW 4-8
 179 Notes: Angles Vocab. Classifying 30 Figures
 180 Frayer Models: Angles Notes: Surface Area/Nets
 181 HW 5-1 Notes Cont.
 182 Classifying Angles HW 5-1
 183 Notes: Classifying Triangles Review: Surface Area
 184 Notes Cont. 
 185 Naming Triangles By Their Sides Countdown to TAKS Week 17
 186 HW 5-2 Notes: Volume
 187 Quadrilateral Angle Sums Notes/Classwork: Volume of Prisms
 188 Countdown to TAKS Week 17 HW 5-3
 189  Notes/Classwork: Volume of Cylinders
 190 What Are The Coordinates? 
 191 Notes: Reflections and Translations 
 192 Notes: Reflections 
 193 Class Practice 
 194 HW 5-4 
 195 Finding Perimeter 
 196 Area Practice 
 197 Generating Formulas 
 198 HW 5-5 Area and Perimeter